46 & Navigating Life’s Sandhills

As you traverse the sands of time, welcome your 46th oasis of a year! The 46th surah (chapter) of the Quran is known as ‘Al-Ahqaf’ or ‘The Wind-Curved Sandhills.’ Like the timeless sandhills shaped by the winds of the desert, your experiences have molded you into the magnificent person you are today. May this year be a gentle breeze of success and happiness across the dunes of life. With love and reverence, we celebrate you!

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I love words and I love people, which makes writing greeting cards, for me, a special act.
Wishes in general, and birthday wishes in particular, are our way to express love to someone close to us. In my eyes, sharing a heartfelt note is one of the most charming and touching actions there is.