Detectors of Joy and Love

Good time, the big day has arrived: you’re 95! Element number 95, americium, serves as a crucial component in smoke detectors, enhancing safety in homes and buildings. Just like this vital element, you’ve been our personal safety detector, always there to alert us to life’s ups and downs, ensuring we’re safe and sound. Though you aren’t made of americium and don’t tend to beep (thank goodness!), your care has protected us all. Here’s to more years of being the guiding force of security and love in our lives!

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All wishes are here:

I love words and I love people, which makes writing greeting cards, for me, a special act.
Wishes in general, and birthday wishes in particular, are our way to express love to someone close to us. In my eyes, sharing a heartfelt note is one of the most charming and touching actions there is.